Flea and Tick Donations
Are you thinking about donating to help our pets? Please consider helping us by getting the bugs off of our animals. As the summer months approach it is certain that we will see an increase in both fleas and ticks. Our staff and volunteers see countless animals with flea related allergies and various degrees of flea infestation. We want to ensure that each pet has an effective treatment so the bugs are no more!
Why are we moving to Vectra? Wanderers’ Rest Humane Association has relied on generous donations of various flea products from off brand products to Sentry, Frontline, Advantage, and Revolution. We feel using one type of flea product will be safer for our shelter residents and allow staff to effectively treat flea infestations. We also feel that our staff should be knowledgeable on the products we use, CEVA has offered us the opportunity to learn about their products including Vectra for Cats and Vectra 3D for dogs.
What is Vectra? Vectra is authorized for purchase through your veterinarian only! Please be sure to speak with your vet before starting your pet on any flea or tick preventatives. Vectra is an easy to apply flea treatment that lasts 30 days. It can be applied to cats and dogs as young as 8 weeks of age (Vectra 3D cannot be applied to cats). It is fast acting – killing fleas in as little as 6 hours.
How can you help? Make a monetary donation restricted to flea and tick product purchases. Be sure to mark your donation with this restriction so we can apply it correctly. As with any medical need the cost for this supply is considerable. Any donation, large or small, is a huge help in making these purchases possible!
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