Wanderers’ Rest is taking all precautions to ensure that we still have staff to care for the dogs and cats in the shelter. To do so, we need to make sure they stay healthy. Therefore, WRHA has been closed, but we are continuing to take appointments for adoptions and surrenders. As we wish to continue to help our community, our food bank for those in need will be open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm.
Our goal is to reduce traffic at the shelter, including only allowing one individual from the public in at a time for viewing animals. We are by our phones on our typical “open” days to schedule meet and greets or other appointments. However, if you do not get through to someone, please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.
We are still following our contract with Madison County, City of Sherrill, Town of Augusta, and Village of Earlville by taking in any strays that are found and brought in by dog control. We are working with the local town offices to ensure strays can be returned to their owners as quickly as possible.
Staff hours have been reduced and staff are now working in split-shifts to ensure less contact with each other, while still providing the animals with the necessary care and attention. Most staff have been donating their time to the shelter to help with updates, ensuring the animals have what they need, and to provide enrichment.
The number of fosters we have gained is amazing and we couldn’t be more thankful to have most of our animals in homes while waiting to be adopted.
If you are wondering how you can help, currently, our biggest need of support is the sharing of our animals on social media and the obvious monetary donations. We are so grateful to have all of your support, and we cannot wait until we can reopen.
Kitten season is just around the corner and we are prepared to jump right in. We will be looking to increase our volunteer base as soon as we get through COVID-19.
Overall, we are doing well and still getting animals out of the door as quickly as possible considering our current situation. We are all in this together, even though we are apart, and we will get through this!